Friday, 30 November 2012

BAM!! 2013 Successes and New Course Dates

Bam, time to knock it up a notch (James, Jussie, Carmel that one's for you if you're reading!) Congratulations from Gove, I hope you're proud of yourself mate!! A massive shout out to our 2012 candidates who made it into Flinders to study in 2013 it's a huge achievement. Hopefully there'll be something on the blog from a few of them in the coming weeks. To the candidates who I haven't managed to get in touch with, drop me a line, I'd love to hear how you went!

It's time to give it a blast with the spice weasel (Futurama fans will know what I'm talking about, the rest of you will just assume I'm a tad strange). Christmas is fast approaching and we're catapulting head long into 2013! Alas my own exam aspirations for early 2013 are falling in a heap, so I thought I'd concentrate on your's instead....I'm just that kinda guy :)

ACER have announced the 2013 GAMSAT for 23 March; hence our original proposed course date of mid January looks embarassingly premature and a little awkward. So we've changed it to a fashionably conscientious February 16th, shortly after late registration closes. It's a Saturday, 9-5 at the Adelaide Visualisation Centre again (they're a good mob and the venue's nice-though Pinnacle on Pirie has caught my eye....and they have a pool......).

Following that, we're running the GAMSAT lectures on Thursday 21st, 28th February and 7th, 14th, 21st March from 5-7pm. These ones should be webcast for our interstate guests and will consist of short lectures followed by intensive PBL style workshops to get the noggin ticking over just in time for the real thing on the 23rd.

In the interim, sit back, relax, enjoy your Christmas with family and some nice un-nameable horror from beyond, with mango chutney!! (really, you ought to watch Futurama....consider it preparation for Section I). Have a safe and prosperous New Year!!


Monday, 13 August 2012

Alas Pareto; I Did Not Know Him

I will start off by saying I have never read Pareto's work, nor for that matter have I read Hamlet. That is first and foremost because applying The Pareto Principle is vital to the study of medicine (and thus justifies not bothering to read it.....I'll explain the paradox).

In it's simplest form, Pareto's Priciple states that 80% of output is derived from 20% of input; in otherwords, 20% of your hard work will accomplish 80% of your desired outcomes. This principle is discussed in just about every popular work on achievement and self-help in modern times. It's also the reason that I've never bothered to read the rest of Paretto's work as yet; 80% of the benefit derived from this principle can be derived just from the words above (considerably less than 20% of the thesis). Reading any more than this will have exponentially diminishing returns and increasing effort expenditure in my goal of the practice of medicine.

If you've read this far and are wondering from whence I acquired my stash, allow me to elaborate further. Pay attention to your work place and job: put yourself in your bosses shoes and ask 'What makes this business profitable/effective?'. Next ask yourself, 'What do I do that contributes to that profit/effectiveness'. If you think hard about it, it's likely that only 2 hours of your work day ACTUALLY accomplishes anything that's truly useful for the business. Now turn your mind to your undergraduate studies and the last exam you studied for. Think about how much you've studied that was 1-) Not applicable to what you now practice and 2-) Never assessed in any exam. Now think about how much time you wasted fretting over it......sigh. (I got an HD for my paper on has yet to help me in the practice of nursing or medicine)

One of the reasons that I seemed to do relatively well in my medical school exams was the recognition of this principle. When faced with Harrisons, Guyton, Boron, Rang and Dales and Robbins (enough books to break the sturdiest spine!) for the upcoming cardiology exam, I knew fully well that the male reproductive system would play a small role in my preparation, ergot I ommited it. I then continued this principle of hacking and culling study material until I distilled only what was LIKELY to be in the exam. I then studied this material extensively. When it comes to exams, it's far better to know intimately the 10% of the text book that is examinable rather than to know poorly all of the text book where 90% of it will not be examined.

That is not to say for a second that I don't condone reading extensively and exhaustively! After all, medical school will train you to learn for the rest of your life. But consider this:
-The purpose of medical school is to educate, the goal is to become educated (AKA read hard).
-The purpose of exams is to to detroy one's soul, the goal is to pass them first time (AKA read smart).

The GAMSAT is no different. 20% of what your efforts will be responsible for 80% of your achievement on exam day. So when you're compiling exhaustive lists of reading material and gruelling study regimes that last 6 months and cannot reasonably be followed, I implore you to work smarter, not harder. Don't destroy your soul over the GAMSAT, your super-human efforts will be poor consolation if you don't get the score you were after.

Rather, look at your study program, then look at the ACER question set: work out what 20% of your program is going to improve your performance (for me it was a select few chapters of text book and problem solving activities combined with perfecting EXCELLENT exam technique). Once you've identified that 20%, do MORE of it. This won't ever achieve 100% efficieny, but it will get you closer than you were before. In the GAMSAT, this WILL improve your (score even if that only brings your score from a 30 to a 40).

Remeber the GAMSAT exists primarily as a discriminant tool. Your goal is to get INTO medical school. The GAMSAT's goal is to keep 80% of you out. Hence all of your preparation needs to be directed towards studying the EXAM and not to studying SCIENCE in general.

So good luck to y'all! Feel free to check out our book Reasoning for the GAMSAT here. It's available for purchase as an eBook for $9.95 AUD. Also, feel free to email me about any GAMSAT topics you'd like me to cover on this blog or future eBooks and I'll be more than happy to help out!

Bye folks!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

The GAMSAT Lectures

Hi y'all The GAMSAT Lectures are coming this September at Flinders University. This set of 3 short courses  focusses on each of sections I, II & III. We start with a brief didactic session on what the section is testing and how to make the most out of it. This is then followed by an intensive group work session giving you the opportunity to practice answering the ACER questions under the guidance and assistance of successful GAMSAT candidates.

It's a great opportunity to
1-) Pick the brains of those who have sat and passed the exam previously
2-) To focus on improving a sectional weakness (since most people do better in 1 or 2 sections)
3-) To kick start your prep in a quick, convenient and cost effective fashion
4-) To meet some of the other candidates who will sit along side you on test day

The sessions will be held at Flinders University
from 5pm-7pm
September 6th- Section I
September 13th- Section II
September 20th- Section III

For those of you who follow us from other states (particularly Queensland and Victoria, there seems to be a LOT of you), we'd like to start bringing our training to you instead of expecting you to come to us. If you're interested in attending, get in touch with me at david dot hooper at emergencyone dot com dot au. If we book more than 10 candidates in each state, we'll bring the road show to you!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Interview Time is Looming!

What's with all the rats, cats and corn?

The first time I interviewed for medical school, I was unsuccessful at gaining a place. According to the University's feedback, my GAMSAT score was on par with the average successful applicant, my GPA was well above that of the average successful interview score by default was well below par! What went wrong?

There's a common misconception that the interview is there to weed out people who lack the social skills to pursue a vocation as a doctor. Admittedly, I also held this misconception prior to sitting the first time. Uunfortunately, it's not like any job interview you have or will sit again!

The truth is, there are likely only one or two people out of every cohort interviewed who's personality or behaviour is so pathological as to preclude them from being a doctor. Rather the interview, much like the GAMSAT, is designed to test a unique facet of problem solving and communication skill. What you say is often far less important that how you approach each problem. After all, in medicine there is rarely just one way of doing things and there is almost never a RIGHT answer.

In my first attempt, I was blind-sided by a problem about Matthew Flinders, a boat, some corn, some rats, a cat, a bilge pump and a leak! I did a terrible job of this problem and, with my confidence shattered, did a terrible job of the rest of the interview too. The second time round, I was far better prepared. The question about car parks, football games and days of the week was a cinch. None of the subsequent questions took my by surprise and I owned the interview like a boss. I was offered a place in the first round and the rest, as they say, was history.

As I've said before, getting into medical school isn't a FUN process and you should always try to attempt it as little as possible. If you're fortunate enough to have an interview this year, come and join us for the interview preparation course. We won't guarantee you a spot in medical school, but we will show you what to expect! You'll also get to practice in a mock-up interview with the kind of people who make up the panel on the day. The course runs on Saturday September 15th from 10am-2pm at Flinders University. We'd love to see you there!

Monday, 9 July 2012

Can You Make Yourself Smarter?

This article from The New York Times was emailed to me by one of our customers.

Incidentally, he was the highest scoring out of our cohort and one of the highest in the country. I loved the article because it basically encapsulates (and far more eloquently than I could've) what the EmergencyOne course is about.

Have a read, it's well worth it. Fluid Intelligence, it's the way of the future people :) PS; after launching our book, we've had an overwhelming 300 or so page views, 16 downloads of the preview and 0 purchases :) So after a massive man tantrum, we're having an early bird special and reducing the price to $9.95. Be brave and be the first person to download else will it get pirated on all the forums??


Monday, 2 July 2012

EmergencyOne Book Launch
Reasoning for the GAMSAT

It is with great pride that we'd like to announce the first publication of EmergencyOne's book; Reasoning for the GAMSAT.

This is a unique handbook about intelligence, reasoning and problem solving as it pertains to the GAMSAT. It's an easy reading guide to this challenging and often elusive exam and is complete with fully worked-through ACER questions and an in depth reading list for preparation.

You can view a free preview here and download the full book here for $29.95. We hope to have the book available as an Ebook via several online vendors shortly.

Happy reading!


Friday, 29 June 2012

GAMSAT Lecture Series and Interview Preparation

It is with great pride that EmergencyOne would like to announce the creation of two new course series for GAMSAT preparation:

The GAMSAT Lecture Series (2 Hours, $75): Consisting of three stand alone 2 hour sessions focusing on Sections I, II & III. They will be run twice each year, each time covering something different. They are short, to the point and cost effective. The idea being to come to as many or few as you'd like in order to help develop your own strengths and weaknesses as you see them.

We noted with great interest that many candidates perform well in one or two sections but underperform in the others. Another piece of consistent feedback is that our customers also wanted more time to practice questions under the guidance of people who had sat and passed the exam.

The Lecture Series was developed with this feedback in mind. Each 2 hour session will consist of a 1 hour lecture discussing the nature of the section, recurring themes and how to answer the questions effectively and efficiently. This will be followed by a 1 hour small group work session where you will have the opportunity to practice questions under the guidance of a doctor or medical student who has passed the GAMSAT. You will also have the opportunity to meet and learn from your peers who will sit with you on test day. This is also a great opportunity to meet others to form private study groups if desired.

They GAMSAT Lecture Series will run on Friday the 6th, 13th and 20th of September 2012 and again early next year.

Blitz the Interview (3-4 Hours, $190): A novel approach to interview preparation. Being doctors and medical students, we have all been through the terror of the interview both in South Australia and other states. We have collectively passed and failed at some point or another. We know what the interview is testing, what works and what doesn't.

The medical school interview is unlike any other interview you'll ever sit and you won't know exactly what to expect until your turn comes. Candidates are ushered into secluded rooms, made to complete baffling puzzles and then made to answer unanswerable questions. There are also the occasional horror stories of the interview panel playing Good Cop Bad Cop and starting arguments between the candidates and each other. (I was made to wait in the corridor after my interview for 20 turns out they just forgot I was there....but I genuinely thought it was all part of the; can he follow instructions?).

With this is mind, we've compiled the tales of countless medical students to give our customers are realistic glimpse of what they will face on interview day. This 3-4 hour session will be comprised of 1 hour of lectures, 1 hour of small group interview practice and 1 hour of actual formal mockup interview consisting of problem solving, ethical dilemas and a 3 person interview panel. Our goal is to give you as close a taste of what to expect on the day as possible.

The Blitz the Interview course will run on Saturday 14th of September 2012, approximately 2 weeks after offers to interview are released.

As always, we'd like to thank our customers for their unwavering support. I'd also like to give a shoutout to Josh for designing our spiffy new logo! Congrats to all of the candidates who aced this year, good luck with your interview preparations. For those of you who didn't get to where you wanted or who are sitting for the first time in 2013, good luck. I can put my hand on my heart and tell you that the blood, sweat and tears are all worth it if it's what you truly want (though I won't necessarily endorse that view at 3am!)


Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Course date for 2013

** Hey y'all. ACER have announced GAMSAT Australia for March 23rd 2013 (I swear it's getting later and In light of this, January 12th seems a little premature for our 2013 course date, not to mention I'll still be in Nhulunbouy which might be a little out of the way for most. Ergot we've switched the date to February 16th for good measure. We've also announced a series of GAMSAT lectures, 5 to be precise, from February 21st until March 21st to give people plenty of opportunity to practice right up until the big day! Depending on turn out we'll also book a second date for mid March for the one day reasoning course and also aim to take our show interstate (likely Melbourne/Sydney/Brisbane) so if you're interested, then let us know!!). Good luck with all of your preparations!!**

A big shout out to all of our customers, past present and future. We have just announced the date for the next live 1 day reasoning course as January 12th 2013, full details and booking available at:

If you're thinking of coming along, then do! You won't regret it. If you're a past customer and you found the course beneficial, then tell your friends (according to your feedback, you ALL loved it!). If you're a past customer and were unfortunate enough to not be offered a place this year, then we'd love to have you back (and remember there's a 50% discount on the course fee for returning customers). Finally, if you're ever unhappy, tell me! It's the single most beneficial piece of feedback I can ever have!

All the best with preparations for 2013 folks!!


What if English is my second language?

I received an enquiry from a customer recently who wanted advice about preparing for GAMSAT when English is a second language. It dawned on me that it's probably a significant concern for many people who sit each year and thought a post on the subject was long overdue!! Anecdotally I would estimate the number of non-native English speakers in the course at around 10-20% (I will count Kiwis and Canadians as English speaking....though that's a bit of a stretch some times :-P). In the hospital environment I would estimate that number even higher at around 30-40%. Many of my colleagues were born in China, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka or Malaysia and often obtained their primary medical qualification there before coming to Australia to pursue specialty training.

Firstly, lets take a moment to consider how lucky the average English speaker is. Chances are we never bothered to learn another language and, courtesy of the USA, we never had to. The rest of the world just worked around us. We can all remember the the shock of the world when K Rudd actually addressed an audience in Chinese (excuse my ignorance, I don't know if he speaks Mandarin or Cantonese!). Yet none of us get excited when nearly every single foreign delegate addresses a major function in English. Food for thought but not the topic of this post :)

So I won't underestimate just how big an achievement it is for the average person born in a non-English speaking country to study, sit and exam and ultimately gain a medical degree in a second language. I speak enough German to sustain my basic life functions and engage in titilating small talk with a toddler. certainly not enough to have entertained working or studying there.

So what if English is your second language? I believe you can take a dictionary into the exam hall, but you'll run out of time even if you're a native English speaker. A dictionary is a last resort, not a primary means of coping. I came up with the following advice for the customer. I'd love to hear your thoughts or any other things you might have considered or tried when sitting GAMSATs or studying in English.

"With respect to an attempt in 2013, I think now is an appropriate time to start preparing given that you probably have a little extra preparation compared to a more fluent English candidate. For someone in your situation there are essentially 3 tasks that you need to undertake:
1-) Improve your English
2-) Improve your knowledge
3-) Practice your reasoning and test taking skills

All of these are vitally important and none should be overlooked.

1-) To improve your English, consider a language course (even repeating a basic English course will help), consider tutoring, practice English at all times with both English speaking and non-English speaking friends. Practice reading, writing, watching TV and listening to music in English. Immersion is the key to language, particularly in non-paediatric populations. There is some evidence to suggest that mapping to auditory cortex may also be helpful. Whatever you do, avoid native language 'just because it's easier'. 6 months of really solid work will improve your English skills remarkably. You may never speak with an Australian accent, but all you NEED is to speak English well enough to pass the GAMSAT and IELTS at the end of medical school.

2-) Improve your knowledge with books, preferably in English (time is precious in the exam and it is not the appropriate place to test your translating abilities. There's a list of text books and content on the blog that will help you with this. There is no assumed knowledge, but rather you should have at least a passable knowledge of major subjects in physics, chemistry, organic chemistry and maths to about a 1st year university level. If you need a tutor to help you with translating and forming the concepts in English then consider getting one. There are a multitude of courses available for science preparation. I can't really comment either way about their benefit since I have never undertaken one. Some people really seem to benefit however I managed the study alone with just text books.

3-) Practice your reasoning and test taking skills. I can't emphasise this enough and that's why we have chosen to teach this one field. The ability to apply reasoning and fluid intelligence is critical to every single question. If it improves a score of 55 by 10%, then it has taken the candidate well into the score range necessary for an interview. Some of the tennets of fluid intelligence are reading and writing ability, visual processing speed, auditory processing speed and general processing speed. These are obviously all intimately linked to linguistic fluency and are mandatory for a high time pressure exam like GAMSAT. Finally, practice your exam technique. This will have the lowest impact on your score (maybe only 2%) but in such a competetive environment that 2% can be the difference between an interview and having to re-sit the following year. Good technique is about working out that an exam is a system with rules and foregone conclusions. Some of those rules can be bent and manipulated (good technique) and some of them can't (accademic misconduct). When you walk into the exam hall you should be an expert at taking that exam on the first try.
Obviously our business is trying to sell a product, whether or not you elect to buy it is entirely up to you. We only offer help with the 3rd point above, however we feel a wider moral compulsion to help out however we can with all GAMSAT candidates. It's a high pressure and not entirely pleasant exam to sit and our aim is to ease this process. As always, I'd love any feedback you have and welcome any enquiries.
We will be announcing the course dates for 2013 very shortly, feel free to sign up and good luck with your preparation!

Monday, 28 May 2012

Results are out!

A big hello to all of our customers and followers. The results for GAMSAT Australia 2012 have been released.

First and foremost, I would like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to all of the candidates for this year. Irrespective of your score, I would like to point out that most people who would be doctors don't even make it to sitting the exam. There is real dignity in having tried and been unsuccessful. If your score wasn't what you were hoping for, cut yourself a break and take a moment to be proud of yourself for having simply sat and completed one of the highest stakes exams in the world.

EmergencyOne are in the process of compiling the results of our customers from this year's course. Being a doctor and into evidence based medicine etc etc, it goes without saying that pedalling snake oil is unethical. Evidence based education is much the same. While there are obvious logistical constraints (Ie; placebo controlled RCTs are difficult to administer in this setting and ACER don't participate with preparation service providers) it is our moral obligation to offer a service that we believe to be helpful and to do our best to validate these beliefs. I know that at least one of our participants has scored extremely well and with our customer's permission, we will share these results publicly in due course.

For those of you who have scored well, congratulations! That's the first hurdle down, I'd like to say that you've made it but alas that's not the case. Unfortunately those hurdles will be put in front of you for the rest of your life from now on. I believe I'm up to about 17 exams since the GAMSAT with at least another 4 major formal exams in the next 2 years and likely at least 12 or more in the rest of my career. But enough pessimism! Having succeeded in the GAMSATs is a major achievement and one to be very proud of. It stands you in good stead for the interviews and will hopefully see you on your way to a long and satisfying career. Enjoy your buzz, it's an incredible feeling.

For those of you who didn't score as well as you'd hoped, take solace. As I've said previously, the GAMSAT is one of the highest stakes exams in the world and is designed with the sole purpose of culling potential candidates. Having even sat the exam is an achievement in itself. That being said, you are probably facing many negative feelings right now. I certainly was after being unsuccessful at my first interview attempt (I was wait listed the first time around and didn't get formally rejected until the day after the course started). For me, the epiphany came as I was riding a bus home from the city feeling rather sorry for myself. It dawned on me that this would be the first of many major rejections I would face in my life and career. The road to something great is rarely straight, or as Bob Kelso said 'Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy'. For you, this serves as a fork in the road. Many people will decide that the toll waged by the GAMSAT is not worth the pursuit of the goal. For others, being unsuccessful will steel their resolve. That decision is one that can only be made by each individual. For the former, I wish you all the best in your pursuits. For the latter, I wish you better fortune next year.

But whoever you are and however you fared, GAMSAT 2012 is officially over! I'll be publishing a few posts shortly about selection criteria and making a wise decision for your application as well as preparation for GAMSAT 2013. For those of you interested in the GAMSAT reasoning course, we will be running it again in Adelaide, likely in October 2012 for the early birds and then again in February 2013. We are also hoping to offer an at home pack for international and interstate candidates. This will retail for around the same cost as the live course. You can check out a bit about EmergencyOne at:

Thanks to everyone for their ongoing support of our cause and we look forward to working with you in the future.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Good luck y'all

Hi and a big shout out to all of our faithful readers and those who attended our course.

The GAMSAT sits across Australia this Saturday 24th March 2012.

EmergencyOne started as the brain child of my wife and I late last year to help teach GAMSAT hopefuls a much needed and often neglected skill set for GAMSAT preparation. This blog has since had over 1300 visitors from the UK, Europe, India, Canada, New Zealand and Australia. I'd like to extend a huge thanks to all of you for your support and, in exchange, I'd like to extend to you my best wishes for your attempts this weekend.

Irrespective of your results, remember that this exam will be the first of many trials in what I hope will ultimately prove to be a long and fulfilling medical career.

The time has passed to undertake any meaningful study, instead spend your time honing your mind for the task ahead. Practice the questions, refine your exam technique and take the time to get yourself into a good head space. Read for leisure, meditate if that's your thing, exercise, eat well and sleep well. Don't waste your time with worry, it's a useless expenditure of energy.

I'm not religious, but you'll see in a previous post that I read some of the New Testament as part of my GAMSAT preparation many moons ago. Matthew 6:34 has always stood out for me. If you feel the urge to freak out at any stage between now and results time, you'll do well to consider it:

'Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own.'

Once again, good luck to you all.

Saturday, 25 February 2012

A Huge Thanks to All Our Candidates!

A huge shout out to all of the candidates who attended the final EmergencyOne GAMSAT reasoning course for 2012.

We thank you for your support and for making our first year in business such a success!

We wish you all the best for the upcoming 2012 GAMSAT and look forward to hearing your results.

Friday, 3 February 2012

On the eve of our inaugural course

A big hello to all of our readers!

We've had a remarkable show of support since we launched EmergencyOne in December last year. I'd like to extend a big thank you to all of the customers who have signed up with us. We trust that we will deliver a truly excellent experience to assist in your GAMSAT preparation.

So here we are on the eve of our inaugural course. There are still places available for both tomorrow and the 25th. You can check out the details  and sign up at

Alternatively you can drop me an email and pay on the day: 

The course will run
9-5 on 4/2/12 and 24/2/12
PS the venue has changed to:
The International Visualistation Centre
19 Young St
Adelaide 5000
A big shout out to Michael who has been most accomodating

We've also completed the draft of our book as seen above.

This will be available on the website within the week for somewhere in the order of $25. 

Thanks again to everyone.

Monday, 30 January 2012

Improving Fluid Intelligence

Researchers at the University of Michigan published a truly revoluvtionary paper in 2008. They determined that training using something called the Dual N-Back Test could be used to improve fluid intelligence (the thing that helps you solve unique problems that you've never encountered before-like a rat in a maze).

Why is it revolutionary? Well firstly, fluid intelligence has long been held to be the heritable component of intelligence (it's always been figured you were only ever as good as what you were born with). What's even more remarkable is that it has never previously been demonstrated that any activity was able to improve this kind of intelligence (ie; you couldn't train yourself to be more intelligent in this domain).

These researchers tested measures of fluid intelligence then subjected 4 different groups to training using the Dual N-Back test for different lengths of time while a control group received no training. Upon retesting, the control group showed a modest improvement attributable to the retest effect; however the training groups showed massive improvement. What was even more impressive is that the longer you trained, the smarter it seemed you got (ie; there was a dose dependent relationship).

The idea is that this test improves working memory (the short term second to second memory) while forcing the student to process visual and auditory stimuli under significant time's HARD! You can have a look at the test here:

If you're so inclined, check out the original article, it's excellent!

Jaeggi, Buschkuehl, Jonides & Perrig 2008 'Improving Fluid Intelligence with Training on Working Memory', Proceedings of the National Accademy of Science, 105 (19)

The only down side is that after having a crack at the Dual N-Back Test, you may find your head is ready to explode. But persevere, it will help with your GAMSAT preparation....or just make you a little sharper if that's what you fancy!

Good luck y'all

Friday, 20 January 2012

Dissection of a GAMSAT question

Hi again to everyone

Ok it's time to put my money where my mouth is with respect to the whole "reasoning skills" thing. As you may or may not know, my wife and I run a company that offers training in reasoning skills for the GAMSAT. Here's the proof in the pudding as it were.

I'll be referring to examples in the ACER GAMSAT test materials published on their website. I cannot reproduce them here for copyright reasons. Hence I'll list the book, section and question with a description of the question, but I'm afraid you will have to refer to your own copy of the book. It is kind of essential for preparation and you can get a copy at the ACER website here. FYI, I don't receive commisions for that link/book sales and ACER do not endorse any providers of GAMSAT preparation courses or materials (myslef included).

So here goes, I solved this one with my wife. I solved it very quickly and she was amazed; quick hint it has almost nothing to do with chemistry, it's just basic algebra......observe:

GAMSAT Test Book 1
Green Cover
Section III
Unit 10
Questions 32-35

This unit describes some fatty acids as well as some information about their bonds, their state (solid or liquid) at various temperatures and then a table of several fatty acids. So you must need to know heaps about organic chemisrty and fatty acids In fact you can answer it with year 12 chemistry and lots of good quality reasoning!

Firstly lets identify the key information contained in the vignette
(equivalent to year 12/ first year chimistry):
-fatty acids have a carboxylic acid group (COOH)
-saturated fatty acids have all single bonds
-unsaturated fatty acids have some combination of double bonds

Secondly lets identify what assumed knowledge you need:
-carbon atoms form 4 bonds (year 12)
-the ability to solve a basic algebreic equation (year 11)

Question 32 
You have to pick the set of 3 acids that are saturated. So here's the trick; go back to the vignette and look at palmitic acid. You KNOW that this is saturated (the vignette says so) now count the atoms to get the algebreic formula for a fatty acid; it goes C16, H32, O2. Hence the generic formula is (C8n, H16n, On). If an unsaturated fatty acid has one or more double bonds, then H will not follow the formula 16n; hence a saturated fatty acid has to have twice as much H as it does C. Now that you've identified your knowledge, defined the rules, you just need to solve the problem.

Check the first fatty acid listed in each option to exclude some answers. B is instantly wrong as gaidic acid follows the rule C8n, H15n, On. Then move on to the second fatty acid. D is now wrong as linoleic acid follows the rule C9n, H16n, On. Finally move on to the last fatty acid, we've already established that gaidic acid does not meet the rules; hence C cannot be correct. That leaves us with A. Check it, you'll find that for all three fatty acids, tehre is always twice as much hydrogen as there is carbon.....hence it follows the rules and hence A is the right've proven it by inclusion and exclusion. That's 1 you just have to do it in 100 seconds and multiplied by 110!!

Question 33
So now look at the drawing of palmitic acid and add a mental double bond. We know that adding a double bond will obligate the removal of two hydrogen atoms since carbon can only accomodate 4 bonds. Look at arachidonic acid, it follows C10n, H 16n, On. We can see that it needs 8 hydrogen atoms to meet the 'saturated rule' above, or more to the point it must have discarded 8 hydrogen atoms in exchange for double bonds. Hence there must be 4 double bonds (ie 4 double bonds multiplied by 2 hydrogens). Hence D is correct.

Question 34
This is an interesting question from a knowledge vs reasoning perspective. Your choices are to know everything there is to know about marganrine (it's really not worth your time or energy) or to recognise that they're really just testing your reading comprehension, logic skills and that you established the above mentioned rules.

We know that saturated fatty acids form semi-solids at room temperature (the vignette says so) and the question implies that multiple double bonds reduces the melting temperature. We also know that the point of margarine is to turn an liquid fat into solid fat (again year 12 chemistry). Now lets look at reasoning. Do we know what effect changing pH will have? No. Do we know what adding an alkyl group will achieve? No (well actually we know that a side chain will lower the melting point, the vignette says so). Do we know what effect shortening the chain will have? No. Finally, do we know what effect removing the double bonds will have? Yes. Removing the double bonds will make the molecule saturated....and the vignette tells us that this will make it a semi-solid at room temperature....and our amazing knowledge of margarine tells us that its nicer to spread than it is to pour!! Hence C is correct.

Question 35
When I first looked at this, I thought I was boned because I couldn't remember the molar mass of iodine.....then I realised that I'm an idiot :) This is really just the love child of Q32 and Q33. More double bonds = more iodine reacting with them = higher iodine value. All you have to do is disprove 3 sets of 3 fatty acids. Option A, capric acid is saturated, hence no iodine will react, hence its iodine number is not greater than arachidonic acid, hence A and C are wrong. Using the aforementioned rules, gaidic acid has 2 double bonds and arachidonic acid has 4 double bonds. Hence the iodine value will be higher for arachidonic acid. Hence B cannot be correct and D can be correct. You can take a punt and leave it at this, or you can check the final fatty acid in D to confirm your hypothesis.

Voila! I scored 100%, within 6 minutes (although it took ages to write this post!!). All it took was very basic high school chemistry and algebra. The moral to this story and the only lesson I'll ever ask you to learn is that;

GAMSAT is a reasoning based exam and not a knowledge based exam!

Don't exhaust yourself learning doctorate level chem, org chem, bio and physics. The required knowledge is relatively simple. Instead invest a LOT of time in puzzles, problem solving and reasoning based materials. Check out MENSA, they publish a lot of this stuff, it's DIFFICULT and great practice.

Better still come to our course, we will spend a whole day running through reasoning (aka fluid intelligence), what it is, how to improve it and how to apply it to the GAMSAT. It works and if you get it right, it WILL improve your score. You can book online here:

All the best with your prep folks!!

**PS: If you're freaking out about how much the GAMSAT and associated prep is costing I have this sage advice. You are well advised to put the cost into the context of $100-400k for a medical school education and the potnetial cost of having to sit GAMSAT multiple times. By all means don't get ripped off, but do ask what it is you hope to learn from any particular prep activity**

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Back online

Again, thanks to all for their patience.

is once again back online.


Saturday, 14 January 2012

I unlike VistaPrint

Well amid much pomp and celebration, the EmergencyOne website was relaunched last night. It looked nice, it was more user friendly and had our expanded services on offer.....but VistaPrint have decided to melt down and it seems I can't access my own website via the internet, not can I properly modify it via the dashboard!

My apologies to any of our customers who have been inconvenienced by this, I have backed the website up and as soon as I hear from VistaPrint, I will reload and relaunch it. Thanks for your patience and any communication can be done via this blog if needed.


1000th birthday for EmergencyOne

Heelllloooo to all out followers! Well after our post earlier today, we made it, nay we smashed it! has now had 1025 visitors with over 2500 page views.

To celebrate we've released our new website and the second phase of our business development. Why medical consultancy services you may ask?! Well that's exactly what we do. We have generalised expertise in the field of medical information services. Stop by and check out the new website!

As such, from today EmergencyOne now offers a range of health promotion activities and first aid training for schools, children's services providers and families.

We teach age appropraite and play based learning for kids aged 3 up to 18 on the basics of good health and good nutrition as well as junior first aid skills in the following programs:
  • HealthyTots
  • EmergencyTots
  • HealthyKids
  • EmergencyKids
  • EmergencyTeens
We also offer family specific health promotion and first aid training in the form of:
  • NewFamilies: first aid training for the 10 leading causes of childhood illness and injury. Specifically targeted at new parents and grand-parents
  • Baby Boot Camp: short sessions about the nuances and troubles of parenthood including sleeping and feeding difficulties, colds and fevers, colic and child saftey
  • Bubs and Blikes: short sessions designed for blokes to get together and chat about their hopes and fears regarding parenthood. Sessions include discussions about being a good dad and a good bloke, surviving the delivery room, sex after babies and keeping your cool
So if you have kids, work with kids, know kids, are having kids or know someone who's having kids and you think they might be interested in what we have to offer, pass on our details, we'd be thrilled to work with them.

Thanks to all of our family, friends and metors for their support thus far on our business journey. We are eternally indebted for your help, love and support.


Friday, 13 January 2012

We've nearly hit 1000

A friendly hellooooo to all our followers

Great news, as of today this blog has had nearly 600 hits since it was launched on 15th of December 2011....not bad for just under a month. Even better, our parent site needs just 10 more hits to reach it's 1000th birthday!!

So while we'll continue to provide free, high quality advice and support for all of you medical hopefuls, feel free to return the favour. Post replies and questions on our blog (we WANT to hear from you), like/follow us on Facebook, show our sponsors some love or better still, sign up for one of our courses. The greater our fanbase and the more love (read money to feed our family) we get, the more time and energy we can devote to getting our word out and making EmergencyOne a truly excellent service to our customers and the community.

Stay tuned for
-The realities of being a doctor today
-Why you shouldn't sewat the cost of GAMSAT
-Uber debate for section II

Good luck to all of you, I wish you the very best for your preparations!


Thursday, 12 January 2012

Section II...the dreaded essays (insert ominous soundtrack here)

Section II of the GAMSAT is an often under looked facet of the exam. So today I'm writing about the essay: what it's about, what it's testing and how to smash it.

To start with, the essay section falls between the social sciences and physical sciences sections, usually just before lunch. You're allocated 60 minutes plus 5 minutes reading time (very important for good technique!). Two essays are expected, one argumentative and the other discursive (again very important)

There will be a selection of quotes used as the foundation for each question, often similar in theme. The candidate is free to select one or more as the basis for the essay. You can usually pick which is the argumentative and which is the discursive by the way the quotes are presented, though sometimes this can be a bit blurry.

The argumentative essay quote will be put forward as a strong assertion and the other quotes will either be similar or diametric opposites. The goal here is to adopt a stance on the issue being raised and form a logical, structured and persuasive argument as to why this view is correct. This is essentially what is done in a debate and this is a good way to prepare for writing these essays.

The discursive essay is much less clear cut. The quotes will often be from authors, anecdotes or sections of stories designed to provoke conversation. It aims to draw out of the candidate a broader discussion of the topic including arguments for and against and the use of anecdote and analogy. There need not be a clear cut stance issued in this section and in my mind I often likened it to the stereotypical 'old timer' who rambles on a bit. While your thought pattern needs to be clear, logical and concise, you need not argue your point as in the argumentative.

To prepare for this, I read a lot of fiction, biography and philosophy, became adept at identifying the argumentative and discursive topics and practise writing a few essays to perfect my timing. I got 62 (I think) which is probably a little on the low side compared to the rest of my paper, but better than a poke in the eye with a blunt stick. I'll post again soon on ways to maximise your performance and improve your score, but in the mean time, read a lot and read outside of your comfort zone.

Biographies, editorials and talk back radio....I can't stand them but they are good sources of practise. Rather than changing the station or hurling abuse at the knob who's talking rubbish on the airwaves, spend some time analysing why you disagree, why you're right and he/she is wrong and how you would convince a judge that you were correct...if you get bored, ring up and put your case forth...or better still join a debating team (I have to confess I'm a massive debate nerd and seem to have a penchant for's funsies).

Good luck y'all! The book is coming along nicely and should be ready in the next 2-3 weeks, keep an eye on the EmergencyOne website and this blog and support your local friendly GAMSAT blogger.


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Not a bad offer!!

Since late last year I have been doing freelance GAMSAT style question writing, proof reading and report writing for a group called PrepGenie.

They have invested large amounts of time and money into developing what is quite a good set of GAMSAT tests. Some of them will be appearing in EmergencyOne's book in a chapter entitled "Dissection of a GAMSAT question", look out for it.

They are offering a preview package containing one full legth GAMSAT practice test and a set of sectional tests in humanities (75 questions), chemistry (40 questions), biology (40 questions). There is a flat fee of $25 to cover postage and handling. Worth a look if you need more question fodder to practice with.

Good luck and all the best with your preparations

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

5 ways to be better than everyone else in the exam hall

So let's forego why you want to study medicine; suffice to say that if you're willing to pay $400 to sit the exam with less than a 20% chance of success then you must want it for some reason. Instead let's look at getting better value for your; if you've already paid $400, you might as well pass right?!

If you've decided that this is path for you, you need to find a way to be better than 8 out every 10 people around you in the exam hall. The reality is that it's a competition. I'm afraid I can't condone violence, incapacitation, cheating or mischief; you can only win by lifting yourself up, not by dragging the competition down.

 5 Ways to be better than everyone else:
  1. What is the exam testing? This seems obvious, but I hear of so many candidates who seem to omit this fundamental idea in their preparation (there are a lot of you who are franatically trying to learn biology, physics and chemistry to a post-doc level......please stop). Read the ACER website carefully, understand what the exam is testing and then do just a handful of questions to get a feel for what this means.
  2. Practice what you're supposed to: As I keeping harping's a reasoning exam....not a knowledge exam. You can acquire as much knowledge as you'd like, but without developing your reasoning skills you're wasting your energy. You're not going to study architecture because it's not necessary, nor are you going to study ancient Greek. Learn uni level chem, organic chem and biology and year 12 physics, then learn to solve a problem (it's called problem based learning for a reason).
  3. Have immaculate exam technique: As I've said, it's a tough competition. World records rarely get broken by wide reality, one point may be the difference between an interview and no interview. Good technique will help you juice every possible mark out of the exam.
  4. If it ain't working, do something else: If you've sat the exam and your score wasn't great, it's time to change something. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Maybe you have to work harder, develop your physics, read more fiction or work on your problem solving. Just make sure you do something different
  5. Go with the crowd or stand out? This is an interesting concept and it's entirely statistical. In the exam your chances of success are about 20%. In the interview your chances are 66.6%. In the exam you have to stand out if you want to succeed. In the interview, the goal is to be as much like everyone else as possible.
Ultimately you can and must be better than everyone else if you want to make it, just make sure you're a gracious winner. Good luck with your preparations.

What are the odds?!

The other day I asked my wife what she'd like me to write about on this blog as an aspiring medical student, she suggested I talk about the reality (and sadly the difficulty) of getting into medicine. So here goes...

So what are the chances of becoming a medical student, successfully completing the course and becoming a doctor?.....Sadly not great. When I sat in 2005, I did a quick tally of width by length and worked out there were about 400 applicants in the hall with me. With about 100 places for Flinders and assuming all states held roughly the same ratios, that gave me about a 1 in 4 chance of gaining entry. The cutoff at that time was about 62 for Flinders.

In the 2-3 years after I started medicine there was a large increase in the number of places offered as part of a variety of responses to terrible indigenous health status, major shortages of rural GPs and shortages of GPs in general. Hence the cutoff dropped as low as 54 or so (these were often rural bonded places and domestic full fee places); obviously being Flinders, an immaculate GPA could offset this score. However the number of applicants quickly increased to counteract this trend.

In the ensuing years, I'm now advised that the odds of gaining a place are now under 20%. That is to say out of an exam hall of 1000 people, 800 will walk away empty handed......Better than Master Chef but still pretty terrible. From this there will be an attrition rate anywhere as high as 10-20% prior to and during the degree. Then maybe 5% in the first 1-2 years of being a doctor. So our cohort of 1000 people is now whittled down to about 175 doctors. 

Why are the odds so bad?

Like any market place there is supply and demand:

The demand for doctors is tightly regulated by government expenditure on health care, employment places for doctors and the community's need for their services. Bear in mind there are few thoughts scarier for a new doctor than having spent 4-7 years training and roughly $100-500k and not having any means to feed your family at the end. A quick tally of the ACER website shows that there are about 1500 domestic places at Australian universities. Hence out of maybe 10,000 applicants each year 2,250 will be offered an interview and 1500 will win a golden ticket.

As for supply, why are there so many people keen to chase this dream? At the end of the day, medicine is a sexy career. The prospect of money, power, prestige, knowledge, social mobility, being your own boss, being THE boss, improving humanity and improving science all loom large on the minds of GAMSAT applicants. I'll write a post on the reality of being a doctor's a bit depressing and I don't want to get off topic.

Ultimately, the odds of success are pretty poor. But someone's gotta do it, it might as well be you!! All the best for your preparations.

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Timing is is technique

So imagine it's GAMSAT day. You have an exam lasting just shy of 7 hours ahead of you. Here's the breakdown.

Section I: 100 + 10 minutes for 75 questions
Section II: 60 + 5 minutes for 2 essays
Lunch: 60 minutes
Section III: 170 + 10 minutes for 110 questions

The average attention span in most adults is 15-20 need to sustain it for nearly 7 hours!! The difference between good and bad technique can very realistically be the difference between an interview and having to repeat the whole process the following year. You will have to work smarter and harder than the average bear :)

You have about 90 seconds per question for section I (including your reading time) and just under 100 seconds per question for section III.

Here's some handy hints:

1-) Use your reading time! You can't mark the answer book, but you can read the questions and answer on your scrap paper. It takes about 2 seconds per question to transcribe an answer and it gives you the ability to answer an extra 6-7 questions more in the alloted time. It's not against the rules.....use the time!!

2-) Develop a system. Good technique can be make or break.I used a system that quickly sorted questions into 3 categories:
  • Questions you can answer within 90 seconds: solve them immediately
  • Questions you could solve if you had more than 90 seconds: flag them on your scrap paper and come back to them after you've done a FULL lap of the paper
  • Questions you can't answer: you have to guess and you won't be penalised for doing so, but save these questions for last. You have a 25% chance of getting the right answer. Once you've gotten all of the points you can get by skill, it's time to get all of the points you can by chance!!
3-) Practice!! You WILL drift off during the exam whilst contemplating your navel. Develop strategies to deal with your inherent human-ness.
  • Practice sustaining your attention for prolonged periods
  • Learn to identify when you're distracted and tune back in quickly
  • Allow yourself a few strategic seconds to stretch and refocus; do this every 1-2 vignettes and you'll find you're more efficient overall
4-) Learn to identify the key information quickly and efficiently. Each vignette will have a key piece of information that the subsequent question will test. The exam is full of "trick" questions whereby you will give the worng answer (but think you got it right) if you missed a key word or sentence in the vignette. Learn to identify these nuggets of information and develop the habit of putting mental 'post it notes' on them so that you can refer to them quickly and easily. This is particularly true for section I where there are often long vignettes and several questions to answer. Missing the word no or not in a long stretch of prose is the difference between getting the answer exactly right and exactly wrong!!

5-) Read quickly and efficiently!! If you're a slow reader, practice. If you're a quick reader, good, just don't miss anything important.

Good luck y'all

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy New Year and the problem with scarlet fever

Hello to all of our followers

We trust that you had a fantastic Christmas and a Happy New Year. We wish you all the very best for your personal and professional endeavours in 2012.

In answer to our "What's the Diagnosis?" post, the answer is, scarlet fever! The give-away is the sand paper like rash and as predicted, putting this single search term into Google gives the answer.

To recap:
-4 year old child
-sand-papery rash confined to torso
-flushed face with pale mouth
-complained of sore throat 2 days prior

What is your leading diagnosis/diagnoses?
Based on this information, the leading diagnosis is scarlet fever. Differential diagnoses include erythema infectiosum (slapped cheek), rubella and measles. The distribution of the rash and lack of rash on the face tend to refute rubella and measles.

In/on which body part might your expect to see a sign to help confirm your diagnosis?In the mouth.

What sign would you expect to see?In this case the child had mild pharyngitis and a desquamating white coating on the tongue. Over the following days this coating shed to reveal the 'strawberry tongue' (a red tongue with prominent papillae) typical of scarlet fever.

The child recovered uneventfully with a brief course of penicillin. While the study of xanthems is standard medical school education, scarlet fever has become relatively rare. It's not uncommon for clinicians to spend an entire career having never seen a case. It remains highly prevalent in developing nations and indigenous Australian communities.

Rather what makes it an ideal case study for our purposes is its analogy to the GAMSAT.

Read the question=take a history
Identify the keywords=identify the key features of the disease
Discriminate=discard irrelevant information
Identify the most likely answer=formulate a hypothesis
Exclude other answers=exclude differentials
Pick the answer=test the diagnosis

While the GAMSAT may seem like a set of irrelevant questions, it aims to test the skills (as opposed to the knowledge) necessary in doctors. Interestingly it has been demonstrated that good performance in the GAMSAT does not correlate with good performance in medical school, 1, 2. So as to whether or not the GAMSAT is a GOOD test of the qualities needed in doctors I won't speculate. Because ultimately, GAMSAT is the reality of admission into graduate medicine in Australia and as an aspiring medical student, the mastery of this exam is your goal.

Good luck for your preparations people!!